We offer a range of services including advice about stopping smoking and Emergency Hormonal Contraception (EHC). To find out more about a specific service, or for general information, come in and speak to a member of the pharmacy team confidentially in one of our private consultation rooms, or call us to discuss any queries over the phone.
We have an experienced team of pharmacy staff serving behind the counter. We can provide information to patients about the medicines they have been prescribed at the hospital and are taking home. A patient information leaflet will be provided with nearly all dispensed products.
We can provide customers with any information or advice they need about medicines.
The way you take prescribed medicines can make a big difference to how effective they are. Our pharmacy staff will explain what the medicines are for, how much to take and how often, the possible side effects to expect and how to obtain further supplies.
If you want to quit smoking we can provide the vital support you need. Speak to one of the pharmacy team who will be able to get the process started and discuss any questions you may have. The smoking cessation service is free of charge to anyone who is exempt from paying prescription charges. If you pay for your prescriptions, a member of staff will advise you on any costs before proceeding.
If you are in need of emergency hormonal contraception (EHC), also known as the morning after pill, come in and ask to speak with the pharmacist in one of our consultation rooms. After a brief consultation, the pharmacist will be able to provide you with the medication. This service is free of charge to all patients.
If left untreated, high blood pressure can lead to heart problems, strokes and damage to other vital organs. Come to the pharmacy and we can take your blood pressure for you using our easy-to-use equipment. If necessary, we can provide you with information about how to better control your blood pressure, or refer you to a specialist.
Protect yourself from the flu over winter with our seasonal influenza jab. This is normally available from October through until March and can be administered to you privately for a small charge of £9.00. For more information about the jab, or to find out if you meet the NHS criteria for a free jab (which you may be able to receive from your GP or high street pharmacy), speak to a member of the pharmacy team.
Pharmacy staff can also help you with information on health matters such as smoking cessation, alcohol awareness and flu immunisations together with advice about minor ailments from the common cold to coughs and general aches and pain.
We have two consultation rooms and if you wish we can arrange a confidential face-to-face conversation with one of our pharmacists. This will help you better understand how and when to take your medicines, what they are doing for you and how to minimise any side effects.
Email the Pharmacy Shop
We are constantly trying to improve the service we provide to all of our patients, their relatives and friends. If you would like to comment on the service we provide or suggest improvements we would welcome your views, please send an email to: Pharmacy.Shop@stockport.nhs.uk